The Gazette

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The story of «A Room of One’s Own»

All the Rooms of Cantiere's first cultural project
Stanza vuota

Until spring at Cantiere Galli Design Agostino Iacurci’s room will be open, the last project of ” A Room of One’s Own” which, from the birth of Cantiere, have animated the spaces of the showroom. The project, conceived and curated by Domitilla Dardi, was born with the intention of focusing attention on project and experimentation.

“The space of creativity, a physical and mental place that has changeable characteristics, as many as there are authors who work in the world of design. A room in which to draw a personal portrait of one’s way of understanding the space of invention, thought and ideas “.
Domitilla Dardi

So every year, there were different guiding themes and different designers to interpret them in the maximum freedom of expression, to create a dialogue with the public and provide a starting point for reflection to the guests of Cantiere.

In 2017, the theme “Personale Condiviso” was first interpreted by Giuseppe Arezzi, open row of this cultural project, with “Beata Solitudo“, by Cristina Celestino with “Proiezioni” and by the italian-danish duo GamFratesi with “Ordine Gigante“. Three very different projects that investigated the border between the personal and shared world, between the manifestation of one’s personality and intimate observation of the same.

In 2018 the common thread defined by the curator was “Lasciare tracce“, a reflection on the spaces we live, on how we live and customize them. The designers who experimented with this theme were Andrea Anastasio with “Risvolto” and Matilde Cassani with “Sunset“. Both projects revealed and experienced an unusual and curious function of the materials used.

2019 was the year of “Ospiti desiderati” theme that inspired Khaled El Mays with “Welcome Mr. Breuer” and Agostino Iacurci with “Colazione sull’erba“. Projects were born imagining to invite special guests with two different interpretations, the first dedicated to the world of architecture, the second to that of art.

The cultural program “A Room of One’s Own” has thus created, in these first three years, our personal collection which we are very fond of and which we proudly propose today!

New and different projects await us for 2020 …