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Flowers bloom everywhere

Anthemion: the new Mutaforma collection designed by Dylan Tripp
immagine in evidenza

Il mondo floreale e la poetica di Dylan Tripp incontrano l’estetica di Mutaforma.

Dylan Tripp, floral designer with a past as creative in the world of fashion and protagonist at Cantiere Galli Design of the latest edition of Osservatorio, tests for the first time his work applied to a coating surface.
The Italian brand that bets on him is Mutaforma, a young and forward-looking company that stands out for the production of a layered, composite, highly innovative and technological micro mosaic and that draws inspiration from the ancient culture of glass mosaic.
Flowers and plant elements are the raw materials of Dylan’s work which, combined with his compositional ability, give life to elegant and poetic installations and creations that are the perfect translation of his “floral” vision of the world.
Unique and unrepeatable projects are born from the alliance between capable designers and innovative and visionary companies, “creativity is collaboration”.

The meeting between Dylan Tripp and Mutaforma gave birth to Anthemion, the name is borrowed from the Greek language and is the diminutive of “flower”. The project starts from the observation of the flowers and their parts, the idea was to decompose and recompose their geometries and enhance them through the micro glass tesserae, the strong point of the shape-changing material.
To respect the natural combinations of the colors of the flowers, there was no chromatic adjustment and Dylan Tripp worked mainly on three color ranges: blue, pink and green. The Anthemion collection consists of three Delphinium artistic panels: Delphinium with a composition of shades of violet and blue, Ammi inspired by the budding freshness of greens and whites, and Anthurium characterized by a strong geometric component and a strong contrast of colors.

“The meeting with Mutaforma was as fortuitous as it was illuminating. I did not imagine that mosaics and flowers had so much in common. The thought of being able to work with a design company that makes contemporary a technique so rich in history and so tied to our millennial craftsmanship immediately loaded me with stimuli and ideas. ”
Dylan Tripp